Linear Solvers

Once you have assembled the relevant operators, and have created a grid function containing the relevant right-hand-side data, you will need to solve your linear system.

Full documentation of Bempp linear solvers can be found on Read the Docs.

Direct Solvers

Direct solvers compute the solution of a linear system by (usually indirectly) computing the inverse of the matrix.

SciPy’s direct LU solver is wrapped in the function This can be used with:

solution =, grid_fun)

Direct solvers should only be used if the operator has been assembled in dense mode.

Iterative Solvers

Iterative solvers solve a linear system iteratively: steps are repeated to achieve better approximations of the solution. For well-condtioned matrices, iterative solvers can achieve fast convergence, so very good approximations of the solution can be achieved in just a few iterations.

SciPy’s CG and GMRes iterative solvers are wrapped in the bempp.api.linalg submodule. These can be used with:

solution, info =, grid_fun)
solution, info = bempp.api.linalg.gmres(opreator, grid_fun)

These solvers take a number of optional arguments:





The tolerance the solver should aim for



The maximum number of iterations

No maximum


If True, the strong form of the operator will be used. If False, the weak form is used.



If True the residuals will be returned as well as the solution and info



If True the iteration count will be returned as well as the solution and info


By default, Bempp will use the weak form discretisation of the operator and the coefficients of the grid function when using an iterative solver. If use_strong_form is set to True, Bempp will use the strong form discretisation of the operator and the projections of the grid function onto the range of the operator. This is equivalent to applying a mass matrix preconditioner to the problem and often leads to a lower iteration count.